How can I return unwanted goods?

We hope you will be pleased with your purchase. Should you wish to return an item (excluding non-returnable products), we will be happy to refund in full or exchange, if it is in full re-saleable condition. Returns should be made within reasonable time (usually 30 days) and in their original, undamaged packaging.

Please contact us before arranging the return of the goods. You can do this by:

• Calling us;

• Emailing us or;

• In writing within 3 days of delivery.

Contact Us:

Leicester Customer Services      T: 01530 830 830      E:
Manchester Customer Services      T: 0161 888 5835      E:
Larne Customer Services     T: 028 2826 0388      E:

Please note that there may be a collection charge for any items returned.

Our Privacy Notice and how we process personal data, can be found at

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